Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Interview a personnel/human resource manager on his concept on the nature, scope and role of human resource management. Do you agree with him? Explain. Is his concept similar to that of the management of his organization? If not, ask him how the differences are settled. (1500 words)

Short-live discussion....

In justifying this view, I had interview an HRM personnel and act as the head of the HRM department in the LGU of Tagum city. Due to the fact that the Human Resource was built through the idea of protecting and giving the right benefits among its people and especially conerning the employees.

Now, the appoint question is?
What could be her concept on the nature, scope and the role of the human resource in the management?

She just siplmy answer "Of cource to the whole functions of the management and especially to give the suitable benifits among our employees."

Because subdue to the task and duties of the office, we are reliable enough in giving the proper benefits to out employees and among the people living here in the tagum specifically and maybe the other HR department in different sectors will do the right thing.

In this role, the HR management served executive agendas well, but was frequently viewed as a road block by much of the rest of the organization. While some need for this role occasionally remains — you wouldn’t want every manager putting his own spin on a sexual harassment policy, as an example — much of the HR role is transforming itself.

In addition, the role of the HR mangement must parallel the needs of his or her changing organization. Successful organizations are becoming more adaptive, resilient, quick to change direction and customer-centered. Within this environment, the HR professional, who is considered necessary by line managers, is a strategic partner, an employee sponsor or advocate and a change mentor.

Continue with the conversation she added the:

Employee Advocate

As an employee sponsor or advocate, the HR manager plays an integral role in organizational success via his knowledge about and advocacy of people. This advocacy includes expertise in how to create a work environment in which people will choose to be motivated, contributing, and happy.

Fostering effective methods of goal setting, communication and empowerment through responsibility, builds employee ownership of the organization. The HR professional helps establish the organizational culture and climate in which people have the competency, concern and commitment to serve customers well.

In this role, the HR manager provides employee development opportunities, employee assistance programs, gainsharing and profit-sharing strategies, organization development interventions, due process approaches to problem solving and regularly scheduled communication opportunities.

Through this discussion and brief orientation, I can agree with her, because as what Human Resource Management intended to be and then it will actually acted and mandated among peoples rights and benefits.

Discussion ended....
thank you..!

lol! lol!

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