Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Subject: Assignment 9 (Due: Septemeber 7, 2009, 13:00hrs) Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:23 pm Reply with quote
Identify an information environment of your choice and write an essay to address the following questions: (3000 words)

• What should be your role within this environment?
• How can the principles of information organization and representation help you in performing this role?
• What are the challenges facing you in performing the role? How will you address these challenges?

Short-live discussion....

The world economy is currently dominated by information and communication technology and has consequently increasingly competitive and globalised. The changing economy also impacts on our living and working environment.
Now, What should be the role in everyone of us?

Dealing with different people its not a denial that many says"Hmmm.. Ahh IT student jai ka!"
subdue to this individuals perception..he continue say." Owzz.. you know that you can be a great contributor for our country's progress pertaining that technology was fast rising right now.."

And then I just keep on thinking..."Maybe?!But How?!"

According to my research there are 6 Pirnciples and Processes of Information Organization that affects the environment socially and physically and this are the following:

Topic-6: Principles and Processes of Information Organization

* Understand the key principles of information organization
1. Communities
2. User orientation
3. Standardization and networking
* Understand the key processes of information organization
4. Selection and evaluation
5. Organization
6. De-selection

Vowing wtih this given and justified principles and processes, it will serve as a guide to acting individuals which liable in any responsibelities and duties among its nature.

As an IT student, in my own notion there will be no compolsory principles and processes to be followed because the most important is, if you are liable and aware in everything that happen. Of course you had the power to take a big part inorder to solve any porblems. For example, the unended issue of corruption and cheatinns in our government that our country facing right now and then.

In my part as An IT student, I can use the power that I have learn, specifically by the direct communication among the other youth for today through the use of the internet. By this, maybe the ignorant minds and sleeping thought of many people rught now are becoming aware and will do the right action for our own good and especially to save our motherland.

As popularly say..."AKO MISMO"

lol! lol!

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